You wouldn’t pull up to your keyboard to write a steamy romance if you’d never read one, and you wouldn’t try to pants your way through writing a cozy mystery if you weren’t even sure what made a mystery cozy.
In the same vein, you aren’t going to write a post-apocalyptic winner if you haven’t read widely in that genre. Presumably this won’t take much effort, since there’s likely overlap between what you like to read and what you write (I’m guessing Stephen King isn’t reading bodice-rippers in his free time).
Below is part one of an exhaustive list of not ALL the post-apocalyptic fiction ever published, but a list of all the titles I could find that might be worth reading. It’s a long list so I’ll be giving you 20 titles at a time.
But don’t worry. You’ve got plenty of time. It’s not like the world is ending tomorrow . . . .

Click here when you're ready for part 2 of this list!
When you think you're ready for an editor and/or proofreader for your post-apocalyptic novel (congratulations!), I'd be honored to read your work. My #1 goal as a freelance editor is to make your words flow so seamlessly your readers won't be able to put your book down!